15. Too poor to buy what I already have in my pantry

This winter has not been kind to my skin. I blame the whipping winds, the vast amount of yarn that I handle these days and the fact that nine times out of ten the water in my tap comes out scalding hot. (The hot water, while horrible for skin’s moisture retention, is nice when you’re taking a shower to thaw yourself, though.)

A while ago a blog that I read compiled a list of reader submitted homemade skin care recipes. I have always loved sugar scrubs but I have stopped buy them in recent years because a.) I’m poor and b.) I hate buying something that I feel like I could make myself. One of the recipes caught my eyes so I’ve decided to test it out.

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5. My etsy store

So I finally started an etsy shop. It has been a goal for a few years now. I don’t know if I’ll sell anything and I don’t really have any clue what I’m doing. If anything, it’ll be a mini lesson in business… and stuff. Or at least, a mini lesson in business in the world of etsy shop.

I don’t have much to say in this entry, but I have a few brewing. I just didn’t want  to wait to talk about my ETSY SHOP so that the THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE reading this can immediately go buy four pairs of earrings.




Am I being subtle enough for you yet?